
Is Nokia 8's Camera Really as Bad as Shown by the Poor DxOMark ...

DxOMark, the popular camera-review website has just published its review of Nokia 8's camera and gave it a paltry score of 68.

DXOMARK reviewed Nokia 7.2 camera

DXOMark reviewed the camera of Nokia 7.2. The Nokia's latest midranger managed to get 2 points higher score than the Nokia 9 PureView.

【評測】Nokia 8.1 機身紮實+ 拍照不俗中階機

機身方面,Nokia 8.1 算是做得頗不錯,它採用了金屬邊框,配合玻璃機背,整體看起來平實之餘帶點高貴感,尤其是筆者借得的機款採用的是黑、銀配的設計,對於商務 ...

Nokia 8.1 正式發表!Snapdragon 710、OIS 蔡司雙鏡

Nokia 8.1 規格應用Snapdragon 710 CPU、4GB RAM、64GB 儲存空間及運行原生Android 9 pie 系統等,與Nokia X7 規格不同之處是加入了NFC 功能。其3500 mAh ...

Nokia 8 review: Nokia's return to the high-end segment

The Nokia 8 images show good white balance in bright light, but the level of detail is low and noise is very noticeable in areas of plain color.

Nokia 8 Sirocco: Dual-cam mid-ranger

The Nokia 8 Sirocco is a competent, if not outstanding smartphone for photography. Performance is well-balanced between its stills and video.

關於nokia 8.1 (第2頁)

沒送測而已,DXO僅供參考而且分數參考性並不是很高。 尤其現在相機滿滿算法的這時代,你完全不知道甚麼時候更新會突然翻車。


DXOMArk網站現在有自拍的評分機制https://www.dxomark.com/cn/first-ever-dxomark ... (Google camera機型為Nokia 8.1) (mix3為超級夜拍) (mate20兩天脫手, ...

Nokia cameras continue to underperform with the Nokia 8 Sirocco

The Nokia 8 Sirocco was extensively tested on DxOMark and came out of it beaten, with the device achieving relatively poor scores across the board.


DxOMark,thepopularcamera-reviewwebsitehasjustpublisheditsreviewofNokia8'scameraandgaveitapaltryscoreof68.,DXOMarkreviewedthecameraofNokia7.2.TheNokia'slatestmidrangermanagedtoget2pointshigherscorethantheNokia9PureView.,機身方面,Nokia8.1算是做得頗不錯,它採用了金屬邊框,配合玻璃機背,整體看起來平實之餘帶點高貴感,尤其是筆者借得的機款採用的是黑、銀配的設計,對於商務 ...,Nokia8.1規格應用Snapdrag...
